improved cooling costs

3 Tips for Reducing Cooling Costs This Summer in Helena, MT

July 5, 2022

Ideally, your AC system will keep your home cool without consuming lots of energy. However, you may be engaging your thermostat in a way that inflates your cooling costs this summer. Here are three thermostat mistakes to avoid in Helena, MT.

Maintaining the Same Temperature All Day

Your air conditioner works to lower your home’s temperature to the level you have set on the thermostat. When you’re out of the house for extended periods, there’s no need to leave the thermostat setting the same as when you are home.

This is because your thermostat will continue signaling the air conditioner to run even when no one is home to enjoy the cool air. Running your AC at the temperature when you’re home, while you’re away, actually increases the chances of AC repairs. To conserve energy, raise the temperature on the thermostat when you’re away.

Lowering the Temperature Sharply

You may assume that setting the thermostat’s temperature way lower than normal will cool your home faster. However, this is not the case. Your system can only cool at its established capacity level and you’ll end up with an uncomfortable home and higher energy bills.

Your thermostat doesn’t control how fast your AC runs to cool your place. Your AC operates at the same rate to achieve the final temperature on the thermostat.

Purchasing the Wrong Thermostat

There are multiple thermostat models on the market. Before buying a thermostat, make you’re away of which thermostats will work with your particular HVAC system. Look for a compatible thermostat that has easy-to-use features such as digital displays and smartphone compatibility.

If you’re interested in a particular thermostat, search for reviews from people who have used it. You can also consult a professional service technician for advice on choosing the best model and the appropriate installation.

Reach out to Superior Heating & Cooling, Inc. for unparalleled air conditioning services in Helena, MT. We prioritize safety and customer satisfaction while serving our clients.

Image provided by iStock

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