
What Makes a Furnace Overheat in Helena, MT?

December 10, 2021

Is your furnace producing a burning smell that won’t just go away, and does it keep turning off? These could be signs that your furnace in Helena, MT, is overheating. Here are three reasons why this could be happening.

Restricted Airflow

According to a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency report, Americans spend about 90% of their time indoors. If you’re at home a lot, that’s a good reason to improve your indoor environment.

Restricted airflow can greatly inhibit the performance of your furnace. Clogged filters tend to restrict the amount of air entering your heating system. If there’s not enough air going into your heating system, your heating system could soon start to overheat.

Blocked return vents can also cause overheating. Furniture and other household items can obstruct return vents and make air circulation difficult.

If the furnace stops cycling on and off after you change the air filters or unblock the return vents, the issue was airflow.

If the problem persists, something else could be the problem. You would need to contact an HVAC professional to diagnose the situation.

Old Age

As time goes by, your furnace begins to wear out. If you have not been servicing it, it could start developing mechanical issues like overheating. The lifespan of a furnace is can be anywhere from 20 to 30 years.

If your heating system is approaching or has surpassed this age, it may not be wise to continue servicing it. It would be better if you replaced the whole heating system instead of incurring expensive repairs to your old furnace.

Mechanical Problems

Just like any other machine or equipment, your furnace can develop a mechanical issue that could make it overheat. Causes of mechanical problems include issues with the thermostat, motor or wiring. If you’re not servicing your heating system, some of these issues can develop subtly, only to become full-blown in the future.

You need to ensure good maintenance of your furnace to make it efficient. Contact our team at Superior Heating & Cooling, Inc., for all your HVAC maintenance needs.

Image provided by iStock

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